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Brainome Docker Installation

Brainome is easy to install with Docker and it works on macOS, Linux and Windows 10. 
Brainome Docker runs locally and keeps your data private.

It comes with a generous demo license for personal use and evaluation. For commercial use and/or larger data sets, please contact us at

Before you start

To install Brainome Docker on your computer:

Additionally, to use the predictors that you create:

  • Python3 must be installed. On macOS and Linux, this should come standard with your distribution. On Windows 10, we recommend installing python3.8 from the Windows App store.
  • The python libraries numpy, scipy and multiprocessing must be installed on your computer.

Installing on MacOS, Linux or Windows 10

Open a terminal on your computer and run the following command to download the install script from our repository and install the Brainome docker image on your computer:

macOS, Linux

curl -O ; bash

Windows 10 (Command Prompt)

curl -O && .\setup.bat

Windows 10 (PowerShell)

curl -o setup.bat ; .\setup.bat

The script proceeds to download and install the btc docker image. Depending on your connection speed, this can take up to 10 minutes.

NOTE: On Linux and macOS, you will need to provide your administrator password.

Brainome Table Compiler Docker Setup (c) Brainome 2020-2021

OS detected: Ubuntu (20.04)

This script requires admin permission to create and edit
the installation directory /usr/local/brainome

Do you wish to continue [Y/n]? : y

Downloading brainome-docker … Done
[sudo] password for demo:

 Downloading docker image

Updating brainome/btc_local_cpu:latest
latest: Pulling from brainome/btc_local_cpu
004f1eed87df: Pull complete
5d6f1e8117db: Pull complete
48c2faf66abe: Pull complete
… lines removed …
e25ae9ad2ff2: Pull complete
e439b0734601: Pull complete
2e01fa75012a: Pull complete
Status: Downloaded newer image for brainome/btc_local_cpu:latest
Docker image btc-demo:latest updated successfully.

Installation of btc docker was successful.

Verify your installation

IMPORTANT: If this is your first time installing Brainome, close the current terminal and open a new one for the path update to take place.

You can verify your installation by typing the following command:

brainome -version
brainome v1.000-289-prod

Brainome has been successfully installed. You are ready to build your first model!